Sunday, December 19, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
49w3d old
today rishi hung with the shan boys. the toddlers kept the babies entertained, as always.
tonight, the kids and i watched 'the wizard of oz' and rishi seemed to really enjoy the music. when 'ding dong the witch is dead' was playing, he started bouncing and dancing and shimmying from side to side. it's really cute when he dances because he's so chubby it's just so cute.
tonight, the kids and i watched 'the wizard of oz' and rishi seemed to really enjoy the music. when 'ding dong the witch is dead' was playing, he started bouncing and dancing and shimmying from side to side. it's really cute when he dances because he's so chubby it's just so cute.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
49 weeks old
rishi is mr. grumpy pants most of the time these days. not sure if it is the teething, or the itching (skin issues) but the boob always makes it better so whatever is buggin' the bugger, it can't be THAT bad. still only pretty much taking one step and then throwing himself at me, still only wants to be in the ergo and is SO not having me put him in a stroller for any reason whatsoever. still pretty much the cutest baby boy you ever did see, only since the last cutest baby boy you ever did see, who would be my deepak :)
tonight we went to deepak's winter concert. we were in the back row with all the other parents of toddlers and babies. luckily we were able to check deepak out right after his class performed. not sure how much longer rishi would've lasted. they babes did look ADORBS though in these coordinated tops from gymboree.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
48w5d old

today we ran errands in the rain..........costco, winco (despise the service but can't beat the prices) and the christmas tree farm. we took a really cool drive we'd never been on before and found a great farm with fresh cut trees. they were half off and they would be shaken, baled and tied to our car for free! we found a gorgeous 7/8 ft. noble fir, for $30! we paid 3x that for our tree back in socal. gotta love oregon!
Saturday, December 11, 2010
48w4d old
Friday, December 10, 2010
48w3d old

rishi hung out with baby derek today but also wasnt feeling too well. later this afternoon he started running a temp. he was very cuddly and while i am sad that he feels badly, i sure did enjoy all the wakey snuggles i got from him. he would switch from happy and playful, to sad and grumpy. he took a super long afternoon nap at home and then in the car. i'm hoping that he feels much better tomorrow. my poor sweet guy.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
48w2d old

rishi's big brother decided that he wanted to bring his siblings for his 'sharing day' at school. so i brought rishi and sanji to dee's school at the end of the day. rishi was wiped out from a busy day of playing and teething so he slept thru the whole thing, in the ergo of course ( i could not live without my ergo, especially with a 30 lb 11 month old! ).
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
48w1d old
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Saturday, December 4, 2010
47w4d old
tonight was the first evening that i wasn't home during rishi's bedtime. i had to go to sanji's preschool auction, and i was gone from about 5-9:45. both a long and late outing for me. daddy got the 3 littles to sleep without a hitch and just one phone call to check on how long i would be :)
rishi has 3 teeth on top and 2 on the bottom. it seems like he should be getting one on the bottom, with all the fussyness and gum rubbing and drool, but there is nothing in site yet.
rishi has 3 teeth on top and 2 on the bottom. it seems like he should be getting one on the bottom, with all the fussyness and gum rubbing and drool, but there is nothing in site yet.
Friday, December 3, 2010
47w3d old

today rishi played with baby derek. now that derek can sit up, they have fun facing one another. it won't be long before they are crawling together and then running around after their big siblings. we were blessed with sunshine pouring in our windows so we played in the living room in a little play nook area that we have in a corner near the windows. sanji and rishi are starting to play together with more intention these days. pushing balls back and forth, rishi will chase after her on his hands and knees. you can see how interested he is in everything she does. i love seeing how much my littles love one another, even when they are all driving each other bananas!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
47w2d old

today rishi hung out with his auntie while i was parent teaching at manang's preschool. he has done really well the few times i've been away. of course, daddy works from home so he is always here and often times rishi will hang out with him in his office. but mostly rishi just like to crawl around, explore, see the wiggles and be cute. he has the latter mastered ;)
rishi is doing this funny nursing position lately where he is totally planted face down into my chest. usually he is laying flat across me, it's not easy to get a picture but luckily my friend took this yesterday because she thought it was the funniest thing.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
47w1d old

i will surely end up embarrassing myself by not living up to this goal, but i am going to TRY and remember this blog exists and post every single day until my rishi turns 1, on january 5th. i truly, honestly, forget that i have this blog (and the other ones too, oops!)
this morning rishi was up around 2:30am, like wide awake. this is very rare for him and i can only remember one other time that he woke in the wee hours and wanted more than a snuggle and to nurse. he would snuggle and nurse but eyes wide open, then do his alligator roll and crawl around the bed. sister was in bed with us too so she would grumble as he would squeeze her cheek or climb over her to get to daddy. i was so sleepy! when my alarm went off and it woke me, i realized we had finally fallen back asleep, around 5am.
rishi ended up sleeping until 830! he had some yogurt mixed with oatmeal for breakfast and then we headed off to take sis to her ballet/tap class. some days he is content to crawl around and look thru the glass at the girls doing their shuffle, stomp or their arabesques. today he wanted to be in my arms and he wanted to wiggle in my arms. he tried to climb my back as i changed sanji from her ballet into her tap shoes. after class i snapped him back into the ergo to go to the car. he's still so happy in there.
he played with nate, derek, gabe and pip (who are younger brothers of one of big brother's best friends) and had so much fun. he's such a little explorer. he will use the small chairs to get around the kitchen, he pushes them as he walks around, opening the few drawers that aren't child proofed, but soon will be :) he loves to chase and throw balls. we have a big, red ball that he will lift over his head. sometimes he falls backwards with it, sometimes he loses it behind him and is stumped as to where it could be and sometimes he will throw it forward. we will often sit across one another and push the ball back and forth.
i am trying to feed him more solids. he likes the yobaby yogurt blends that have sweet potato at the bottom, i mix in earth's best oatmeal. sometimes he has steel cut oats. he likes grapes, apples and LOVES mangoes like crazy. he also likes veggie rotini and homemade sweet potato fries.
as i type this he is wearing the pictured outfit, sitting on his bottom, leaning forward and biting his toes. it's quite the sight.
Monday, November 29, 2010
46w6d old

helping mama on 'cookie monday'. a tradition that began when deepak started 1st grade. i was nervous about this first full length school day, so i assumed he was too. i told him i'd pick him up with homemade cookies waiting in the car. when he got in the car after that first day, he asked if we could do it every day! we made a deal for once a week, cookie monday was born. i've never missed one and someday i will pick rishi up from his first day with a little bowl of homemade cookies, just for him.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010
46w4d old

once again, i have neglected rishi's page! well the bigger he gets, the busier he keeps me. today we said goodbye to lola and uncle john after a week long visit for thanksgiving. it was hard to see them go.
rishi is very much in walking prep mode. if you hold his hands he totally walks his little feet along. he can stand unassisted and will lean and fall forward to try and reach someone. he hasn't thought to lift his feet without someone's hands or an object to hold onto. his fifth tooth is coming in up top and teething has been quite the ordeal. he isn't sleeping well. he goes down around 8 and by midnight he's typically been up 5 times already. we are both exhausted.
he has eczema or some skin issue and it is kind of stressing me out. i use aquaphor, cetaphil, coconut oil, cortisone. it really bugs him on his neck and he's constantly scratching it. he has red patches on his back and tummy and knees. i think we are going to do a sensitivity test. his doctor and nurse practitioner do not think he has an allergy.
he is overly in love with the wiggles, eating new foods everyday and starting to stand up to his tough big sister :)
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
43 weeks old
wow, i'm behind. i'm going to work my way backwards, as best as i can. let's see. yesterday i caught rishi standing up with no support. he used his sister to get to standing, then let go and just stood there for a good 7 seconds. i caught him doing this again later in the day. he is clapping his hands, it's a slow clap like he is unsure. he only makes the mama sound when he's mad or crying. he might be saying dada to amit but it's hard to tell how intentional it is at this age, lol. i have no delusions of that. he is starting to eat more but BM is still his #1 meal. he has four teeth and i think one is coming in. aw, he just made the saddest teething face at me. time for snuggles.
Sunday, October 31, 2010

rishi was a lion for halloween. it was a hand me down costume of deepak's from when he was 2! it was perfect for him and he was cozy and adorable. we had our closest friends over for dinner and trick or treating, which consisted of visiting 3 houses on our cul de sac. it was a great first halloween for our sweet baby boy!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Monday, October 4, 2010
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
37w1d old
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
35w2d old
today was crazy, chaotic, playdate day. SO much fun. now with rishi and emma crawling, a whole new dimension of chaos is introduced. all the kids were happy and loud and it was a really funy morning. my mom enjoyed seeing how much bigger all of the kids are.
afterwards we headed to the outlets where rishi had his first taste of a soft pretzel. man was he ever grubbing down on that thing!
afterwards we headed to the outlets where rishi had his first taste of a soft pretzel. man was he ever grubbing down on that thing!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
rishi saw lola this morning! in the afternoon we went to the mall to get out of the house and burn some energy.
i think littles just "know" their grandma's even when they haven't seen them often enough to really remember. rishi is very comfy and content with her. now he can do like five movements of normal crawl and then he goes back into his olympic swimmer crawl, lol. he looks like he's doing the butterfly. he is such a grunter too. for several months, he has just randomly grunted out, sometimes startling us. he likes blowing raspberries too. i think the moving around is thinning out some of the chunk.
i think littles just "know" their grandma's even when they haven't seen them often enough to really remember. rishi is very comfy and content with her. now he can do like five movements of normal crawl and then he goes back into his olympic swimmer crawl, lol. he looks like he's doing the butterfly. he is such a grunter too. for several months, he has just randomly grunted out, sometimes startling us. he likes blowing raspberries too. i think the moving around is thinning out some of the chunk.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
8 months old!
today was a weird weather kinda day. it was cool, cold, warm, hot, cold, windy, sunny. after running errands in the morning, we headed to the park. all of us went, including ace. rishi had a short nap in the ergo earlier so he was a bit on the tired side. at the park he swung a little. he likes when i get his toes in the swing. then he sat out on a blanket with daddy and ace. then i nursed him to sleep and held him why we watched the others play.
rishi loves cheerios. he loves sweet potatoes and i just started steaming them and cutting them into little chunks for him. i've been adding diced peaches to his oatmeal and his favorite addition so far seems to have been plums. he eats once or twice a day but more like snacky, he doesn't eat as much as some of the tables say he should. but he gets the best stuff from mama anyway.
his crawl is so funny. he looks like an olympic swimmer, pulling himself across the floor. he is so fast, especially if he has a target to go towards. he is all over the place now - in amit's office, pulling things out of sanji's play kitchen, chasing his ball around.
he always wakes up happy, his head just pops up and he blows raspberries and starts crawling around the bed. he is just the sweetest little guy and he is always smiling and holds his own pretty well with sanji :)
his two teeth are so far out now and i think i see a third one about to pop through. rishi is such a snuggly marshmallow. i can't believe that he is 8 months old today. i love him so much.
rishi loves cheerios. he loves sweet potatoes and i just started steaming them and cutting them into little chunks for him. i've been adding diced peaches to his oatmeal and his favorite addition so far seems to have been plums. he eats once or twice a day but more like snacky, he doesn't eat as much as some of the tables say he should. but he gets the best stuff from mama anyway.
his crawl is so funny. he looks like an olympic swimmer, pulling himself across the floor. he is so fast, especially if he has a target to go towards. he is all over the place now - in amit's office, pulling things out of sanji's play kitchen, chasing his ball around.
he always wakes up happy, his head just pops up and he blows raspberries and starts crawling around the bed. he is just the sweetest little guy and he is always smiling and holds his own pretty well with sanji :)
his two teeth are so far out now and i think i see a third one about to pop through. rishi is such a snuggly marshmallow. i can't believe that he is 8 months old today. i love him so much.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
33w5d old
rishi had a fever today. in the wee hours of the morning, i could suddenly feel his really warm against me. i took off our covers and asked amit to grab the thermometer. my ear prodding woke him and he was in a fine mood but feeling pretty hot. i gave him some acetaminophen and he fell back asleep. he ate fine today and played happily on the floor as always, but in much shorter time periods. we went out to target for some ibuprofen and he was happy to be out and about in the ergo. he hasn't had any meds for 6 hours and no fever in sight so i am hoping it was just due to teething and that he wakes up happy, and COOL.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
33w2d old
rishi spent a long morning at the zoo with the sibs and sanji's friend aria. he was awake the whole time which is a record for him. he really enjoys when we set our picnic blanket out and he gets some freedom. he munched on a bagel and tore it to shreds!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
33w1d old
rishi and sanji spent a short, hot, morning at the park with their friend emersyn. rishi sat in his favorite shady spot with ms. patti and watched all of the big kids play.he is getting so big, he is in full on army crawl these days and can get anywhere he wants!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
33 weeks old
rishi visited sanji's new preschool tonight for the class picnic. it was a VERY hot afternoon so he ended up showing off his chunky rolls for all to see. we just had to take that shirt off!
Friday, August 20, 2010
32w3d old
rishi hung out in the pearl district this morning, because he's cool like that ;) we met friends for some awesome fun, painting at CHAP. for just $5/hr, per child, they get to paint EVERYTHING. the floor, tables, furniture, boxes, themselves. rishi preferred the comfort of mommy and the ergo while the sibs and friends had a blast.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
32w2d old
rishi spent a chilly morning at summerlake park with his sister, for a playdate. he really likes sitting out on a blanket and playing with his toys. he spent a little time swinging too. big sister loves to push her rishi on the swings. in the afternoon, rishi stayed home with daddy while i took the big sibs to another playdate. rishi is the happiest little guy, it's so easy to get a giant smile out of that kid.
also, rishi is cutting his first tooth!!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
32w1d old

this morning, rishi watched sanji play with her friend emersyn. he was pretty content and amused to play on the floor with his toys. he's full on mobile, utilizing a highly skilled army crawl ;) he can get himself up into a sitting position. he still has no teeth!
he had his first cupcake experience today.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
31w5d old
rishi and sanji played out front in our little kiddie pool. we let the water warm up and only put a few inches in. we also blocked the sun with this great shade umbrella that we got at costco. rishi was able to sit up and even do his army crawl in there. he had so much fun splashing around and having water dumped on him by his big sis. it was a fun way to keep the kids cool and outdoors on a super hot day.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Monday, August 9, 2010
30w6d old
rishi had fun at the children's museum today. he is beginning to enjoy such things. he was very curious about the noise and movement in the water area and he had alot of fun in the baby garden. we played with sheer scarves over his head, he put his hands in the 'stream', we looked at shadows. it was really fun to see him enjoy his environment. it was pretty busy so we went outside to sit in the grass with our friends and he was happy to sit and chew on sofie the giraffe and to scoot around. he can get up on hands and knees and rock back and forth. he gets around with a combo of rolling, army crawling and scooting. he mostly makes the 'mamamama' sound but is not making lots of 'babababa'. he likes being tossed in the air, he is very ticklish in his pits and thighs and he loves our dog ace.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
30w1d old

tonight we walked to summerlake. rishi spent a long time in the swing. he laughed when i would tickle his toes as he swung forward. rishi is such a happy boy, it's so easy to get a big smile out of him. he is eating solids but not regularly. he's doing amazing with just breastmilk and isn't overly interested in food. what he has eaten, has been homemade by me.
he sits up and plays with toys, he wants everything and will grab it if he can. he can really get around by rolling and turning and pushing himself. he still has no teeth! he is drooling and making all the sad teething faces, but no progress.
rishi has been tugging sanji's hair everytime he can reach her. she is such a little mommy telling him 'no pull the hair rishi, be nice.' it will be interesting when he can really go after her. i think they will be buddies.
he is getting so big, i was just thinking of how tiny he was coming home in his convertible carseat and how big he is sitting in there now. i feel so much awe towards him, i just love him so much and am so thankful to be his mama.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
28 weeks old

today we went to baggenstos farm to play with our friends. i love it there, they have a play structure, some goats and chickens, plenty of room to run and a nice little store. plus it is only four miles from my house but it's like being 'in the country'. it was rishi's first time there, out of the belly at least. ms. nina watched the babies while allegra and i followed the toddlers, then i put rishi in the ergo and he fell asleep and i got to relax while sanji played with her friends. rishi gifted me another nap, when we got home, which is always nice! this evening we walked to summerlake and he swung a little bit and played on our picnic blanket.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
27w5d old

rishi got in the pool for the first time today. well daddy held him and he stood up in our kiddie pool. he dug it! i wanted to sit him in there in his bath seat but amit thought it was too cold. look who the over protective one is now! he did end up getting soaked in the crossfire of a massive family water fight. our neighbors must have thought we were crazy, we were laughing so loud. it was so much fun!
Saturday, July 17, 2010
27w4d old
rishi went to the zoo today. i think this was his fourth time, maybe his fifth. quite the little zoo member at six months old! it was really a perfect day for going to the zoo and we all had such a great time.
Friday, July 16, 2010
27w3d old

rishi visited his first winery this evening, cooper mountain vineyards. they have an event on friday evenings where you can come and picnic and enjoy a glass of wine, or two :) we met with some families from deepak's school, there was live music, the view was beautiful, the weather was lovey. it was a perfect friday evening with my loves.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
27w2d old

rishi met his friends at the mall this morning. grandma sharon is heading back to santa barbara and this was our last get together. we will all miss her, she is so incredibly good to us and such an amazing woman overall. we had coffee and snacks together and it is so funny how just being together in such an average place, like the mall, can be so much fun when you are in a shared energy of love and friendship. it was a special morning.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
27w1d old

rishi took a bath in mommy's big tub tonight, for the first time. he and sanji had a blast. they must have been tired after two trips to the park. first, in the morning we met auntie allegra and family for some play time. rishi had a little nap during our visit. then later in the day, during the peak of the heat, i decided we should walk to starbucks. it wasn't my best idea, at least not on this particular day. on the way home we stopped off at the park and ended our day with both babies in the tub.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
27 weeks old
Monday, July 12, 2010
26w6d old

we spent another day at home. it wasn't really hot enough to sit out in the pool. rishi has been rolling all over the place and can sit up. he falls over but he is doing really well and i think he is enjoying the view from his new vantage point. he's such a happy baby, i'm sure a large percentage of this posts comment on what a big, amazing smile he has.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
26w5d old
amit left for wisconsin today, we dropped him off at the max station shortly before noon. he blew up a little pool for the kiddos to splash in this week so hopefully we can turn to that if meltdowns begin. today we had a total lazy day at home, lounging and playing and missing daddy.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
26w2d old
rishi had his 6 month check up this morning. he is tipping the scales at 21 lbs and 1/2 oz, 94th percentile. he is 27 1/2 inches long. his head and length are in the upper 80th percentile. he had the HIB vaccine today, his second dose and the only vaccine he has had to date. we've just decided to wait longer with him. we've been encouraged to have him vaccinated with DTAP and prevnar, sooner than later, but we will have to see. rishi is a happy little (ok, not so little) baby with the biggest smile that just lights up my world.
he cried out after his shot but then he was suddenly fine, but unsure. when the nurse was saying by to her, he smiled but then stopped right away, like he remembered he wasn't happy. he started whining in the car but i put on taylor swift and he was golden. i don't know what it is about one of her songs, but if he's upset and we play it, he's happy.
today is the first day this week that we are just staying home, except for a quick library run. sometimes we just need to veg out and play at home. especially on a day like today where we are cranking up the a/c.
he cried out after his shot but then he was suddenly fine, but unsure. when the nurse was saying by to her, he smiled but then stopped right away, like he remembered he wasn't happy. he started whining in the car but i put on taylor swift and he was golden. i don't know what it is about one of her songs, but if he's upset and we play it, he's happy.
today is the first day this week that we are just staying home, except for a quick library run. sometimes we just need to veg out and play at home. especially on a day like today where we are cranking up the a/c.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
26w1d old
today we went to 53rd avenue community park in hillsboro. it was our first visit. it has a really neat fountain, but like most new parks, there is inadequate shade for small babies. luckily, our little group had a little spot under the shade of the concession stand. but when i was wearing rishi in the ergo and following sanji around, that was a bit tough and i kept having to coax her back to the fountain so i could be with rishi in the shade. rishi wore a hat that was deepak's at that age. so random that i found it. it is fun to think of how many years that hat has been around, not knowing if it would find it's way to a sibling's head someday.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
26 weeks old
today we spent the morning at summerlake park. we met up allegra, grandma sharon, and the boys. we walked around the lake looking at a really neat rental that we wished our friends could move into! then we played at the playground for awhile. rishi had a nice little nap and i got some color on my legs!
Monday, July 5, 2010
6 months old
happy half birthday to my sweet bata rishi! i can't believe six months has gone by. i am still so in awe of my trio of littles. i love how i have changed with each addition to our family. i love all the different perks and personalities of my babies. so rishi is full on rolling, grabbing at things and picking them up. he is full of giggles and he has begun to just randomly grunt. he sounds like the guys in those old budweiser 'wazzup' commercials, heehee. he likes to put his feet in the air and grab his toes. he still has no teeth despite massive amounts of drool on a daily basis. he sleeps on his tummy and likes his bottom patted when he starts to stir. he wakes up every morning happy, waking up from naps he is usually in less of a good mood. but in the mornings, we can cuddle in bed for an hour and he is perfectly content to do so. he's eaten sweet potatoes and green beans, as well as apple sauce and beets. he takes good naps and loves going to the park every evening for our family walks and play time.
rishi is such a happy blessing for our family. i enjoy him so much. his six month check up is on thursday so i'll share his stats then :) i'm guessing 19lbs 8 oz, we'll see!
rishi is such a happy blessing for our family. i enjoy him so much. his six month check up is on thursday so i'll share his stats then :) i'm guessing 19lbs 8 oz, we'll see!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
Saturday, June 26, 2010
24w4d old
rishi and family went out for our first restaurant meal together as a family. we went to black bear diner. rishi has been out to eat with sanji and i but never with dee and daddy too. he even sat in the highchair! he was so good and played with his toys and then sat in my lap for the last bit we were there. he was laughing so loud when i was playing with him, my children's laughter is one of my favorite sounds.
Friday, June 25, 2010
24w3d old
rishi went to magnolia park for the first time today. it was a really beautiful morning and he hung out with the mamas and grandma sharon while his siblings played and got wet and had a great time. he got to meet derek again and it was a really lovely morning with our friends. in the evening he got to go to the park again! we love walking to summerlake in the evenings, he even swung a little. i just love the size he is right now, it's like cuddling a little baby koala. he's rolling all over the place, everytime i try to get it on video, he won't cooperate!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
24 weeks old
rishi spent the evening at the park, after a long, hot day at home. we walked over and rishi hung out in the ergo while i pushed sanji in the swing and deepak practiced riding his bike on the grass. it was nice to get some fresh air and play and come home and just bathe everyone, put them to bed and enjoy the quiet after a happy day.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
23w5d old
rishi's first father's day was rainy, shocking. he is in full on rolling mode. it's like he was doing it a little here and there and then two days ago he did it over and over and it has become full on from there. so much that i put him to sleep on his back and find him on his tummy. he is on the floor with sanji now and has rolled himself halfway across the room. our lives are changing!
today we went to new seasons for some organic sweet potatoes for baby boy to sample. i just made it for his dinner tonight and we shall see how he likes it!
today we went to new seasons for some organic sweet potatoes for baby boy to sample. i just made it for his dinner tonight and we shall see how he likes it!
Friday, June 18, 2010
23w3d old
rishi and emma had a playdate this morning, as did their big siblings, and deepak. we walked to summerlake, the fresh air was so nice. rishi somehow stayed awake the whole time. part of that time he spent playing with his elephant in his stroller but then he wanted a better view of emma so he sat in her double stroller so that they could face each other. it was really nice to be outdoors. now we are home and it is gloomy. he is having a long nap and will spend the rest of his day running errands, which is still exciting at his age, the sights and sounds are alot for a little guy!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
23w2d old

rishi met sofie today, sofie the giraffe. she is a rubber teething toy that was very popular with sanji. only ace, our dog, ate her and then when we shelled out $20 for another sofie, we somehow lost her. luckily i used a franklin goose credit and got sofie for free this time. she arrived today and after she was cleaned, i gave her to rishi and he went right to town gnawing on her face. she rode in the car with us on our way to deliver dinner to auntie allegra and rishi fell asleep holding her in his chubby little hands. rishi also got to stay up very late tonight, until 9:15! he's been my basketball buddy during the playoffs and we watched the lakers beat the celtics, to win the championships tonight. now, both my boys have been born in championship years, just in different decades.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
23w1d old
rishi is a very understanding baby. he would much rather that i foolishly dance around and sing to him and clap his feet and kiss him over and over, than be diligent about maintaining his little blog here. the time just flies, we are so busy even when we aren't doing much, if that makes sense. today rishi and i had the uncommon occurrence of getting out just with mama. we went to meet baby derek today at good sam. the sibs went to get a snack with daddy while we visited with auntie allegra, grandma sharon and little derek. rishi looks SO big next to him. derek is so amazing, beautiful, sweet and perfect and we love him already. he's sure to be rishi's best friend and we couldn't be happier for the shan family.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
23 weeks old
rishi has been waiting on pins and needles all day. auntie allegra was induced this weekend and we are all waiting to hear news of derek's birth. rishi has been exceptionally chill today. he totally sat in his seat and played with his rings and smiled and watched me do yoga for a full 35 minutes. it's a record. he did indicate that he would prefer the thunder and rain to go away so that he can go for a walk to the park and see the ducks :)
Saturday, June 12, 2010
22w4d old

rishi went to the library today with sanji and i. we got there just before it opened and there was already a crowd waiting to get in. we had books to pick up from the hold area and then we spent some time in the kids area. the tigard library has a really great kid's section, much better than the beaverton library that we used to live closer to. rishi is really digging his little elephant pull toy lately. since he's been itty bitty, he's loved when it makes noise when you pull the little ring on it. he is really a happy little baby. he's rolling a little bit every day. mostly from back onto tummy but sometimes from tummy to back. sanji used to roll herself all the way across the room, i wonder if rishi will be like his big sis. oh! and he's eating applesauce. he's had it three times and actually likes it. i was wanting to wait until 6 months, even though his pediatrician told me it was a good idea to start at 4. (that AAP always flip flopping) we tried avocado but he didn't love it. we'll do sweet potatoes next. i need to make big batches and freeze them. i always did sanji's in portions just enough for 3 days so i never had enough to freeze but i don't have as much time these days.
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