Thursday, July 8, 2010

26w2d old

rishi had his 6 month check up this morning. he is tipping the scales at 21 lbs and 1/2 oz, 94th percentile. he is 27 1/2 inches long. his head and length are in the upper 80th percentile. he had the HIB vaccine today, his second dose and the only vaccine he has had to date. we've just decided to wait longer with him. we've been encouraged to have him vaccinated with DTAP and prevnar, sooner than later, but we will have to see. rishi is a happy little (ok, not so little) baby with the biggest smile that just lights up my world.

he cried out after his shot but then he was suddenly fine, but unsure. when the nurse was saying by to her, he smiled but then stopped right away, like he remembered he wasn't happy. he started whining in the car but i put on taylor swift and he was golden. i don't know what it is about one of her songs, but if he's upset and we play it, he's happy.

today is the first day this week that we are just staying home, except for a quick library run. sometimes we just need to veg out and play at home. especially on a day like today where we are cranking up the a/c.

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