Tuesday, November 2, 2010

43 weeks old

wow, i'm behind. i'm going to work my way backwards, as best as i can. let's see. yesterday i caught rishi standing up with no support. he used his sister to get to standing, then let go and just stood there for a good 7 seconds. i caught him doing this again later in the day. he is clapping his hands, it's a slow clap like he is unsure. he only makes the mama sound when he's mad or crying. he might be saying dada to amit but it's hard to tell how intentional it is at this age, lol. i have no delusions of that. he is starting to eat more but BM is still his #1 meal. he has four teeth and i think one is coming in. aw, he just made the saddest teething face at me. time for snuggles.

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