Monday, July 5, 2010

6 months old

happy half birthday to my sweet bata rishi! i can't believe six months has gone by. i am still so in awe of my trio of littles. i love how i have changed with each addition to our family. i love all the different perks and personalities of my babies. so rishi is full on rolling, grabbing at things and picking them up. he is full of giggles and he has begun to just randomly grunt. he sounds like the guys in those old budweiser 'wazzup' commercials, heehee. he likes to put his feet in the air and grab his toes. he still has no teeth despite massive amounts of drool on a daily basis. he sleeps on his tummy and likes his bottom patted when he starts to stir. he wakes up every morning happy, waking up from naps he is usually in less of a good mood. but in the mornings, we can cuddle in bed for an hour and he is perfectly content to do so. he's eaten sweet potatoes and green beans, as well as apple sauce and beets. he takes good naps and loves going to the park every evening for our family walks and play time.

rishi is such a happy blessing for our family. i enjoy him so much. his six month check up is on thursday so i'll share his stats then :) i'm guessing 19lbs 8 oz, we'll see!

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