Sunday, September 5, 2010

8 months old!

today was a weird weather kinda day. it was cool, cold, warm, hot, cold, windy, sunny. after running errands in the morning, we headed to the park. all of us went, including ace. rishi had a short nap in the ergo earlier so he was a bit on the tired side. at the park he swung a little. he likes when i get his toes in the swing. then he sat out on a blanket with daddy and ace. then i nursed him to sleep and held him why we watched the others play.

rishi loves cheerios. he loves sweet potatoes and i just started steaming them and cutting them into little chunks for him. i've been adding diced peaches to his oatmeal and his favorite addition so far seems to have been plums. he eats once or twice a day but more like snacky, he doesn't eat as much as some of the tables say he should. but he gets the best stuff from mama anyway.

his crawl is so funny. he looks like an olympic swimmer, pulling himself across the floor. he is so fast, especially if he has a target to go towards. he is all over the place now - in amit's office, pulling things out of sanji's play kitchen, chasing his ball around.

he always wakes up happy, his head just pops up and he blows raspberries and starts crawling around the bed. he is just the sweetest little guy and he is always smiling and holds his own pretty well with sanji :)

his two teeth are so far out now and i think i see a third one about to pop through. rishi is such a snuggly marshmallow. i can't believe that he is 8 months old today. i love him so much.

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