Wednesday, December 1, 2010

47w1d old

i will surely end up embarrassing myself by not living up to this goal, but i am going to TRY and remember this blog exists and post every single day until my rishi turns 1, on january 5th. i truly, honestly, forget that i have this blog (and the other ones too, oops!)

this morning rishi was up around 2:30am, like wide awake. this is very rare for him and i can only remember one other time that he woke in the wee hours and wanted more than a snuggle and to nurse. he would snuggle and nurse but eyes wide open, then do his alligator roll and crawl around the bed. sister was in bed with us too so she would grumble as he would squeeze her cheek or climb over her to get to daddy. i was so sleepy! when my alarm went off and it woke me, i realized we had finally fallen back asleep, around 5am.

rishi ended up sleeping until 830! he had some yogurt mixed with oatmeal for breakfast and then we headed off to take sis to her ballet/tap class. some days he is content to crawl around and look thru the glass at the girls doing their shuffle, stomp or their arabesques. today he wanted to be in my arms and he wanted to wiggle in my arms. he tried to climb my back as i changed sanji from her ballet into her tap shoes. after class i snapped him back into the ergo to go to the car. he's still so happy in there.

he played with nate, derek, gabe and pip (who are younger brothers of one of big brother's best friends) and had so much fun. he's such a little explorer. he will use the small chairs to get around the kitchen, he pushes them as he walks around, opening the few drawers that aren't child proofed, but soon will be :) he loves to chase and throw balls. we have a big, red ball that he will lift over his head. sometimes he falls backwards with it, sometimes he loses it behind him and is stumped as to where it could be and sometimes he will throw it forward. we will often sit across one another and push the ball back and forth.

i am trying to feed him more solids. he likes the yobaby yogurt blends that have sweet potato at the bottom, i mix in earth's best oatmeal. sometimes he has steel cut oats. he likes grapes, apples and LOVES mangoes like crazy. he also likes veggie rotini and homemade sweet potato fries.

as i type this he is wearing the pictured outfit, sitting on his bottom, leaning forward and biting his toes. it's quite the sight.

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