Saturday, November 27, 2010

46w4d old

once again, i have neglected rishi's page! well the bigger he gets, the busier he keeps me. today we said goodbye to lola and uncle john after a week long visit for thanksgiving. it was hard to see them go.

rishi is very much in walking prep mode. if you hold his hands he totally walks his little feet along. he can stand unassisted and will lean and fall forward to try and reach someone. he hasn't thought to lift his feet without someone's hands or an object to hold onto. his fifth tooth is coming in up top and teething has been quite the ordeal. he isn't sleeping well. he goes down around 8 and by midnight he's typically been up 5 times already. we are both exhausted.

he has eczema or some skin issue and it is kind of stressing me out. i use aquaphor, cetaphil, coconut oil, cortisone. it really bugs him on his neck and he's constantly scratching it. he has red patches on his back and tummy and knees. i think we are going to do a sensitivity test. his doctor and nurse practitioner do not think he has an allergy.

he is overly in love with the wiggles, eating new foods everyday and starting to stand up to his tough big sister :)

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