Tuesday, May 18, 2010

19 weeks old

rishi has been sleeping better which is so nice for me. he's mostly just nursing once, before i leave in the morning for bootcamp. he's still going to bed sometime between 8 and 830. he takes at least one really long nap so that is nice, especially when it overlaps with sanji's nap and i can get alot done around the house. my rule is no sitting at all while both babies nap. rishi is so interested in everything that is going on. i see him watching ace alot and he's always on the lookout for his crazy sister who can't resist giving him toys and kissing him and, his least favorite thing, pulling his hands out of his mouth. she seems to think he shouldn't eat them!
he rolled over today, for the second time. he was on his tummy and pushed himself high enough to kind of tip over and roll, he seemed amused. i don't think it will be a regular thing for him, for quite awhile. it's hard to lift his chunky self! today we went to trader joe's and costco and he seemed to really enjoy it, i just carried him and he looked around at all the people and sights. he's such a little cutie.

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