Sunday, May 9, 2010

17w5d old

i have to catch up! i saved rishi's daily updates and now i can't find the message! today is rishi's first mother's day and my 7th! well 8th if you count the one where dee was still in my belly :) rishi had a slight blowout that i didn't notice when i picked him up and placed him on my lap. wouldn't be a complete mother's day without some kind of baby leakage ending up on me. we're having a happy day at home, together. lots of kisses and snuggles and giggles.

rishi is laughing so much! before it was mostly when i would tickle under his chin and on his chest, with my chin. but now if i hold him out and then bring him close and make silly noises, he gets a kick out of it. when he smiles, it's like this huge light suddenly shining. he is drooling buckets and even got a bit of a rash on his chest from it. he is always sucking his hands or sucking his lips in. poor thing, i hope he cuts a tooth soon!

rishi = love.

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