Thursday, May 13, 2010

18w2d old

rishi had a playdate at our house today. amit cooked lunch for everyone. rishi watched, smacking his lips. he had a taste of banana today, he was not impressed. i really think he's not going to have a serious interest in eating, at least for several weeks. he and baby emma were laying on the floor together and they were so cute! i missed my chance to get a photo. he had his hand on her head and she had her hand on his chest. it was like he was patting her hair and she was giving him loves. they are so sweet together. after playdate crazyness we ran out pretty late for us, to powell's to get big bro some books.
rishi flirted with me while i put him to sleep. he'd latch on, latch off, smile, latch on, latch off, smile. he is so incredibly squeezable, he's like my little koala. i love him to pieces! and really, i don't know what 'love to pieces' means, but it sounds about right :)

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