Monday, May 31, 2010

20w6d old

rishi and the whole family had a leisurely holiday (memorial day) today. rishi took a 3 1/2 hour nap which gave me super free time to play with sanji and get a ton done around the house. late in the afternoon we ran and errand and then stopped at the park. rishi seemed content to be bundled up with the son kissing him ever so slightly. sanji had the best time swinging her heart out and both of them had nice, smooth bedtimes, which is always nice for mama.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

20w5d old

rishi is oblivious that it has rained for most of his 4th month of life, but i have not. in order to get the kids out and about, we spent the afternoon at the library, for the 2nd day in a row. the last time we hung out there was the day of the great-diaper-blowout-toilet-flushing-bajeezus-scaring, episode. today was much smoother. that was pretty much the jist of our day. that and rishi not having one, single, good nap. i'd say he slept about 30 minutes, 4 or 5 times. now for sanji, that was just how she rolled but i'm holding out faith that it was just an off day for the rishster and that he will resume a more lengthy nap schedule. sanji totally cracks him up now, he is amused by her movement and sounds, sometimes.

Friday, May 28, 2010

20w3d old

rishi's big brother had a playdate today and it kept rishi up all morning. he was so interested in the noises and the boys running around. one of the moms asked me if it was ok if she said he looked like buddha. LOL. love it. like i and everyone else doesn't already think it! my friend that was here has a 15 month old that is only a few pounds heavier than rishi is now at almost 5 months. rishi is very vocal. instead of crying, he just complains. lately, when he is happy and smiling, he will totally furrow his brow if sanji appears before him. it's so hilarious. like he knows she's about to squish his face and kiss him over and over. i think this kid is too hefty to roll himself over. i think the others could roll over around 4 months old.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

20w2d old

we had a playdate at allegra's house today. rishi just loves their sofas. he always just chills out when we are over there. we were having such a fabulous morning, then my car got towed. hugely stressful (and expensive) event. kind of threw off the rest of our day.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

20w1d old

rishi hosted our weekly playdate today. he and emma are getting so big. i wish i had taken photos of them the first time they got together. he was 1 week old and she was 5 weeks old. his smile is so bright. i actually feel that room is full of light when that mouth opens and those little lips turn up. and if he adds a brow raise to the mix, i am goo.

Monday, May 24, 2010

19w6d old

we went to the children's museum today. i was a rebel and took my stroller in, despite it being considered 'oversized'. the babies were so good. it wasn't busy, sanji had so much fun and rishi took in all the sights. he loved the overhead butterflies in the baby garden. he and emma laid on this area that was like a waterbed and were just mesmerized by them.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

19w1d old

another playdate day. rishi is too interested in what is going on, to take naps during playdates anymore. he hung out and stretched out on the floor with his cutie boo, emma. they gave 'what the heck?' eyes to the toddlers, running around and screaming. before the playdate, he was sitting in the highchair trying to fit BOTH hands in his mouth. he was SO angry that they didn't fit. i've never seen him turn so red. in the evening we watched the lakers game together. he's a hardcore lakers fan, like his mama :)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

19 weeks old

rishi has been sleeping better which is so nice for me. he's mostly just nursing once, before i leave in the morning for bootcamp. he's still going to bed sometime between 8 and 830. he takes at least one really long nap so that is nice, especially when it overlaps with sanji's nap and i can get alot done around the house. my rule is no sitting at all while both babies nap. rishi is so interested in everything that is going on. i see him watching ace alot and he's always on the lookout for his crazy sister who can't resist giving him toys and kissing him and, his least favorite thing, pulling his hands out of his mouth. she seems to think he shouldn't eat them!
he rolled over today, for the second time. he was on his tummy and pushed himself high enough to kind of tip over and roll, he seemed amused. i don't think it will be a regular thing for him, for quite awhile. it's hard to lift his chunky self! today we went to trader joe's and costco and he seemed to really enjoy it, i just carried him and he looked around at all the people and sights. he's such a little cutie.

Monday, May 17, 2010

18w6d old

we enjoy rishi so much. if he is grumpy, all it takes is someone to look into his eyes and talk to him - he lights right up. and he has the biggest happiest smile. i love his sounds and his laugh. i love how he kicks his feet when he is excited. i love his little monkey stretch. we hosted a playdate at our house. rishi is so used to the noise and chaos of our little toddler friends.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

18w2d old

rishi had a playdate at our house today. amit cooked lunch for everyone. rishi watched, smacking his lips. he had a taste of banana today, he was not impressed. i really think he's not going to have a serious interest in eating, at least for several weeks. he and baby emma were laying on the floor together and they were so cute! i missed my chance to get a photo. he had his hand on her head and she had her hand on his chest. it was like he was patting her hair and she was giving him loves. they are so sweet together. after playdate crazyness we ran out pretty late for us, to powell's to get big bro some books.
rishi flirted with me while i put him to sleep. he'd latch on, latch off, smile, latch on, latch off, smile. he is so incredibly squeezable, he's like my little koala. i love him to pieces! and really, i don't know what 'love to pieces' means, but it sounds about right :)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

18w1d old

rishi had his 4 month check up today. i mixed up the time. we arrived for a 10:30 appt that was actually at 10am, oops! the front desk said it would be a 20 minute wait. i had both babies but i didn't want to come back so we waited and ended up getting in in under 10 minutes. the first thing the nurses that say him said was 'look at those cheeks!', we get that alot :) sanji wasn't thrilled to be there, she thought it was her appt. luckily the nurse scooped up rishi so i could get sanji to come with us. after she saw rishi getting undressed, she was relieved and relaxed and chatted everyone up again.

rishi weighs 17lbs 12oz, 91st percentile. his head was at the 100th percentile and his length was 25 1/2 and put him in the 70's percentile-wise. he is healthy and strong. he has super strong legs and has pushed himself to standing while his hands are held, since just after two months old. his cradle cap has returned, to spite me i am sure. he's had a few nights of nursing several times and i was exhausted the following days. it's funny because my first two kids were not great sleepers. rishi is just 4 months old and already sleeps better than either of them did. i should be used to it. but then four nights of waking every few hours and it totally throws me off!

doc said the guidelines have just changed and that they are now suggested beginning feeding at 4 months instead of the previous guidelines which suggested waiting until 6 months. i'm not in a rush to feed rishi solids and it's not for nutritional value that it is suggested. it is because it is believed now, that the sooner a food is introduced, the less likely it is for the child to develop an allergy later. i'm not particularly concerned about this so we'll try something out but will wait for full on twice a day feedings of solids.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

18 weeks old

18 weeks! could it be? rishi seems bigger and longer, everyday. he stays busy tagging along with his siblings playdates and activities. he's such a fun, happy baby. his drooling is increasing by the second. i see those two bottom teeth just begging to be set free. if he gets a hold of my hand, he brings it to my mouth and attacks like a puppy with a chew toy. i love when he raises his brows or has a big, open mouthed smile. he has such a boy laugh. he'll laugh sometimes just at random things but he has so many tickle spots too.

Monday, May 10, 2010

17w6d old

rishi's mama started bootcamp again after a week break between sessions. after that and getting things settled at home and big bro off to school, we headed to a playdate at our friend's house in tualatin. rishi usually sleeps in the morning but could not settle down with all those crazy toddlers running wild. he just watched them and happily kicked those chubby little legs around. he is so interested in what is around him. he is growing all too fast for my liking but i am soaking up every, single moment.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

17w5d old

i have to catch up! i saved rishi's daily updates and now i can't find the message! today is rishi's first mother's day and my 7th! well 8th if you count the one where dee was still in my belly :) rishi had a slight blowout that i didn't notice when i picked him up and placed him on my lap. wouldn't be a complete mother's day without some kind of baby leakage ending up on me. we're having a happy day at home, together. lots of kisses and snuggles and giggles.

rishi is laughing so much! before it was mostly when i would tickle under his chin and on his chest, with my chin. but now if i hold him out and then bring him close and make silly noises, he gets a kick out of it. when he smiles, it's like this huge light suddenly shining. he is drooling buckets and even got a bit of a rash on his chest from it. he is always sucking his hands or sucking his lips in. poor thing, i hope he cuts a tooth soon!

rishi = love.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

17w4d old

rishi went to the farmer's market for the first time today. it was a gorgeous, sunny day. rishi had bare legs for the first time. he wore a black and grey striped romper, with a red peace sign on the front. we had fun walking around the market on opening day. afterwards we went to costco where not one, but two of the old, frumpy, sample ladies, took it upon themselves to comment on how BIG rishi is. they went on and on. and they weren't even together. so by the time the 2nd one started up, i was pretty irritated. rishi is chunky and fabulous and perfectly healthy.

later in the day, daddy took the bigger littles to the park, while rishi and i stayed home to cheer our lakers to victory!

Friday, May 7, 2010

17w3d old

rishi sat in on deepak's teacher conference this morning. he actually sat ON deepak's teacher. she just loves to get him in her arms, can you blame her? rishi was reminded of how crazy smart his brother is. in the 2nd grade and reading and writing at an 8th grade level. rishi was very content until he got super tired and then suddenly passed out. all the while ignoring his sister's switch from classroom exploring to meltdown-ing. is that a word? later in the afternoon we met school friends at summerlake park and the kids all ahd a blast. then, we picked up daddy from the MAX station. rishi has decided that daddy will be responsible for changing his next 50 diapers. i concur.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

17w1d old

today, rishi had friends over. noah, emma, nate, lilah and haley. lilah and haley are ms. allegra's friends from california but when you're as close as we are with the shan's, you know their friends - even before you meet them! we had a fun playdate and it was as chaotic as ever, just how we like it. rishi really digs ms. allegra and i love that he is surrounded by friends who love him and will watch him grow up, just like we will with their children.