Friday, April 9, 2010

13w3d old

rishi was introduced to his lola today. the last time they saw one another, he was just 3 days old. all orange (from jaundice) and itty bitty. she arrived late last night so she just peeked in on him before heading to sleep. on a side note, she slept in sanji's room, there's an extra bed. when she woke up in the middle of the night sanji had joined her in her bed and snuggled up to her all night. then my mom woke up to sanji staring at her and moving her face around to inspect her. then she ran out to find amit, lol. after that they've been pretty inseparable.

back to the rishster. he's been in lola's arms most of the day. she is loving his coos and smiles. every time he makes a peep she calls out 'look, he's talking to me!'. she insists he doesn't ever want to sit in the swing and i have to admit, he looks like he's in total bliss while in her arms. it is so wonderful to watch her enjoy her apos (grandkids) so immensely.

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