Thursday, April 1, 2010

12w2d old

rishi and i had a pj's kinda day. sanji insisted on a dress. she's dramatic that way. rishi has been enjoying stretching out on his playmat, looking at dangling toys, or the toys on the bar of the bouncy seat. he still does NOT like tummy time. unless he gets his fist in his mouth, then he's ok.........for maybe 30 seconds. none of my babes have liked tummy time until about 4 months but rishi seems like he might need more time to come around. his bedtime has whittled down but it seems it only works if he has a bath first. we were on an every other day bath routine, trying to alternate days with sanji but something always happens where someone is super messy and they end up back on the same days. with three kids that need the shower or tub, evening routines start at like 5pm, lol. the nice thing about rishi's earlier bedtime is that he isn't waking up any earlier. did i say this yesterday? mama is mega tired so i'm not functioning at 100% :)

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