Friday, April 30, 2010

16w3d old

rishi took a nap upstairs in his own bed, this morning. well it's my bed, but as we are co-sleeping, i will refer to it as his :) usually he naps a)in my or his daddy's arms or b) in the swing. he is affected more by the noise (aka his SISTER) and it has made his naps shorter this past week. that means mama can't get much done. today, i rocked him to sleep and then put him in bed. he took a 2 hour nap. i would have loved a 3, but 2 was plenty time for sanji and i to play a bunch of games, plus i got the dishes done. it's a crazy house over here but i'm loving it!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

16w2d old

everyone stayed home today. deepak didn't feel well and 2 kids in his class had strep so we took him to the doc. rishi is staying away from his big brother, who will no longer be contagious after 24 hours of meds, which will be tonight. rishi has been waking up early while i'm away at bootcamp, but on mornings like today, when i am home, he can sleep all morning if we let him!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

16w1d old

rishi visited the play boutique in lake oswego, for the first time today. the last time i was there was when sanji was even smaller than him. it was not too much fun. it was hectic and, i think the best word would be, dingy. we will not be going back. rishi kicks his little legs so hard these days. if he's on the floor he can push himself up a few inches so suddenly i will look and his head is no longer on the blanket i had laid him on. i love when he holds his fist out in front of his face and looks at it as though it is separate from his body.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

16 weeks old

rishi is 16 weeks today! he had another fun and busy playdate with little toddlers and babies. lately he thinks it's funny if i pull him up like little baby sit ups. he also loves when you take off his pants for a diaper change, lol. he is laughing alot more and his teething is really bothering him. no more 3 hour naps. now it's like 1 hour and then a bunch of catnaps. i hope that changes

Monday, April 26, 2010

15w6d old

rishi had a playdate with his friend, baby lukas today. lukas is almost two months older than rishi. they are just a whole lotta cheeks when they are together. rishi is using his ab power to try and lift himself out of his swing and carseat these days. he turns all red and gets flustered. it is going to be rainy all week and rishi is looking forward to sunny skies so he can get out and enjoy the fresh air.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

15w5d old

today we had a family picnic at the park. i think rishi enjoys our park days. he just wants me to hold him outward so he can look around. and he's so good in the swing, it is barely swaying but sometimes he'll get a look as though it's this huge movement. it was such a beautiful day.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

15w4d old

we ran a bunch of errands today. then daddy took the big kids to the park while rishi and i hung out at home. quiet time during the day is hard to come by. there's deepak with all his stories and sanji who is just a complete chatterbox, she needs to narrate everything we all do. when rishi gets fussy i usually give him his bath, he loves it and is always calm and content.

Friday, April 23, 2010

15w3d old

rishi is a drooly, teething, hand eating, sad, grumpy, little guy. poor sweet thing. he had a tough time today. i just held him most of the day. he did still have two decent naps. but not his usual 3 hour nap that i was hoping for, so that i could get some zzzz's myself. we went for a ride to pick up some lunch and then a late afternoon walk to the park. rishi swung again, third day in a row! then we walked around the lake and got home just as it began to sprinkle. crazy portland weather. let's hope rishi's little teeth cut thru right away and that this is not going to be a long, drawn out journey of pre-teething before we see any action!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

15w2 old

rishi spent the morning celebrating our dear friend nate's, second birthday. we had a fun playdate at their house where there are different sights and sounds for him to enjoy.

we had another afternoon walk to summerlake. it was such a lovely early evening. rishi sat in the swing again and went down the slide with is big brother!

he is definitely teething. rishi is not a 'fussy' baby and he was so sad tonight. he would make sad faces and then he had some long, sad cries and then some more powerful ones that seemed to be more due to pain. he likes when i rub his gums with my finger. i am using the teething tablets and am going to try a few other things but i'm hoping those teeth cut soon so he can have some relief.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

15w1d old

today rishi had a playdate at ms. nina's house. he is very accustomed to the craziness of the toddlers buzzing about him. he does throw some side eye their way when they get especially rambunctious.

in the afternoon we walked to summerlake to play. rishi swung for the first time! my youngest swinger :) he had a gentle sway going and didn't mind it, he was cozy in his bear hat and propped between two blankets.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

15 weeks old

how could it be 15 weeks already? wow. time flies and even more so when we are all so busy. today our friends ms. nina & ms. allegra came over for a playdate. it will be fun when rishi and emma are sitting up and playing, instead of spending playdates nursing or sleeping or bouncing.

i forgot to mention that yesterday, i put rishi on the scale at the doc's office. he was wearing a onesie and cotton pants. he weighed in at 17lbs 2oz, a little giant!

Monday, April 19, 2010

14w6d old

rishi accompanied sanji to her 2 year check up this morning. he seemed relieved that the visit was not about him :) we saw a 10 day old and already it seems like rishi could not have been that small. it's amazing how babies change in a few short months. rishi is sleeping the same. bedtime is before 8:30 and some mornings i have to wake him at 4:30 to feed him so that i can leave for my early morning workout.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

14w5d old

sundays are typically a lazy day for rishi and our family. daddy works crazy hard during the week and sunday is the only day he has no commitments. we lounged around at home and then took a nice afternoon walk to the park. so far rishi has tolerated our walks and seems to enjoy some sunshine and fresh air.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

14w4d old

rishi went to his first birthday party today! we went to the shan's home to celebrate nate's 2nd birthday. rishi took a short nap upstairs and then alternated sitting on my lap and chilling on the couch. he loved laying there and looking around and smiling away at anyone who chatted him up.

Friday, April 16, 2010


rishi took his second trip to the zoo today. it was lola's last day visiting. it was a perfect day to be out visiting the animals. rishi even wore his little bear ear hat. he seems to really enjoy being outside, which i'm sure is due to being a winter baby who has been indoors so much these early months of his life. after the zoo we took lola to the airport and said goodbye. i'm sure rishi misses her arms already.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

14w2d old

rishi's big sister turned 2 today! we celebrated with an amazing lunch, cake, balloons and friends. rishi liked watching the balloons float above him. he is drooling like crazy and getting so big. he wore a 6-12m shirt today! later in the day we went to the mall. rishi seems to really enjoy the bob stroller and so does mama!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

14w1d old

rishi spent today chilling out with lola, getting ready to have friends over tomorrow for his big sister's birthday.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

14 weeks old

rishi went to the mall today, just for a quick trip to walk around after picking up lola. then he came home where he knew every peep would send lola running in to scoop him up. his life is pretty sweet. we also got out for a great walk to summelake. we went around the long way so that sanji wouldn't make us stop at the swings first. it was a beautiful afternoon for a walk. by summertime rishi will be right there, swinging in a bucket swing, next to his big sister!

Monday, April 12, 2010

13w6d old

rishi is just enjoying his lola so much. i think he's teething. he has one short period in the afternoon where he is just so sad. lola will keep him busy this week for sure!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

13w5d old

rishi went to the tulip festival today. we were lucky to have a rain free day and we wanted to take advantage. he mostly slept in the stroller, less a few moments for pictures in the fields. taking pics with 3 kids is no easy task, especially with a toddler and an infant. my deepak is such a good boy and helper. any similarity rishi might take on of deepak's character, i would be beyond pleased. after the tulips we stopped at the outlets. rishi was so good for a pretty long day out and was out for the night by 7pm. sweet.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

13w4d old

we had a great day with my mom, just hanging out at home. she just wants to hang out with us and be part of our regular daily coming's and going's. or, in this case, staying right at home. rishi already seems to know that a pouty lip directed his lola's way, will result in hours of being snuggled and walked around the house. he fits so well in her arms and they both look so happy together.

Friday, April 9, 2010

13w3d old

rishi was introduced to his lola today. the last time they saw one another, he was just 3 days old. all orange (from jaundice) and itty bitty. she arrived late last night so she just peeked in on him before heading to sleep. on a side note, she slept in sanji's room, there's an extra bed. when she woke up in the middle of the night sanji had joined her in her bed and snuggled up to her all night. then my mom woke up to sanji staring at her and moving her face around to inspect her. then she ran out to find amit, lol. after that they've been pretty inseparable.

back to the rishster. he's been in lola's arms most of the day. she is loving his coos and smiles. every time he makes a peep she calls out 'look, he's talking to me!'. she insists he doesn't ever want to sit in the swing and i have to admit, he looks like he's in total bliss while in her arms. it is so wonderful to watch her enjoy her apos (grandkids) so immensely.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

13w2d old

rishi had quite the morning at the library today. he had a pretty good diaper blowout. thank goodness i was there with a friend because i had left my wipes in the car! i took him and sanji into the family bathroom and started to clean him up. he was happy, eating his hand and gabbing. then.....sanji flushes the universe's loudest toilet, in a room that echoes no less. he FREAKED out and let out the worst wail ever. he was so upset. he was already wiped down but was still naked. i picked him up and calmed him but i still had to get a diaper on and dress him. he resumed wailing as i did this. i was sweating in there, lol. we came out and continued our library fun and had a great morning. we are just waiting for lola to get here in a few hours now!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

13w1d old

rishi and sanji were asleep on their daddy's lap in the rocking chair when i got home at 6:45 this morning. it was pretty much the sweetest thing ever. then we all got ready, took dee to school and headed to tualatin for our weekly playdate. rishi was awake the whole time and got to play with the toys on emma's mat and sit in her bumbo. i do not think he was a fan. he didn't look too thrilled to sit in it!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

13 weeks

rishi had a playdate today. we usually have two home playdates a week and one outing with friends. one playdate here and one at our friend's home. now that he is awake more, he usually sits on my lap most of the time, until he dozes off. i got some new toys for hanging on the bars of his playmat and i love when his hands and feel rattle them around and he gets excited. when i tickle him, sometimes he laughs a little and alot of the time it seems like a laugh is building up but that he can't figure out how to expel it. rishi is in a size 2 diaper but amit doesn't think that he will make it thru the bag before he needs a 3. he has been wearing size 3-6 months since he was about 6 weeks old but it seems like he needs to move up a size in his onesies. his lola will be here in two more days and i am so excited for her to see him again!

Monday, April 5, 2010

3 months old

wow, my little rish-a-roni is three months old today. he has changed and grown so much. he doesn't really like being held like a baby anymore, so sad! he also often does not want to be held on the shoulder, he likes to face outward. if ever he is unhappy, turn him forward and he's good to go. i have been reading my own books outloud to him, in addition to the baby books i read to him and sanji. i just prop him on the sofa or tuck him in my lap and he is happy to just look at me and listen. sometimes i make up nonsense stories that i tell him while we look at each other and i love how he raises his eyebrows and moves his mouth and seems so interested. rishi is such a beautiful boy, such a joy and so loved by our friends and family. this has been an amazing three months!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

12w5d old

rishi spent another rainy day at home. we made one run out to new seasons since it was one of the few places that was open. so far rishi has survived sitting next to his big sister in the car. she just wants to hold hands with both of her brothers. rishi is still sleeping well. after 2 crazy waker-uppers, i'm thinking this is too good to be true so i'm waiting for it to fall apart. he falls asleep sometimes between 730 and at the latest 9pm and wakes between 4-5 to eat and then sleeps until 7 or 8. but if i am in bed with him, i can get him to stay asleep until about 10. sweet :)

Saturday, April 3, 2010

12w4d old

rishi got his thumb into his mouth today, oh no! i am hoping that he does not become a thumb sucker. i haven't tried giving him a paci in awhile. he isn't fussy and i don't mind soothing him with nursing or rocking so we don't really need it. dee had his paci for way too long and i'm glad to not have sanji as a toddler, attached to one. she took one for about 6 months but was very take it or leave it, no worries. rishi is reaching and hitting the toys that dangle from his playmat. he likes looking at himself in the mirror above him. his little leg is always thumping, like a little rabbit. love it.

Friday, April 2, 2010

12w3d old

rishi is such a sweet and happy boy. and he tolerates noise well, lol, has to with his crazy brother and sister running around all day. he still gives amit his biggest smiles and with so little effort on amit's part. i'm like begging for smiles all day. i think he sees me and thinks - FOOD! he is still a major hand sucker, those chubby little hands makes him so happy.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

12w2d old

rishi and i had a pj's kinda day. sanji insisted on a dress. she's dramatic that way. rishi has been enjoying stretching out on his playmat, looking at dangling toys, or the toys on the bar of the bouncy seat. he still does NOT like tummy time. unless he gets his fist in his mouth, then he's ok.........for maybe 30 seconds. none of my babes have liked tummy time until about 4 months but rishi seems like he might need more time to come around. his bedtime has whittled down but it seems it only works if he has a bath first. we were on an every other day bath routine, trying to alternate days with sanji but something always happens where someone is super messy and they end up back on the same days. with three kids that need the shower or tub, evening routines start at like 5pm, lol. the nice thing about rishi's earlier bedtime is that he isn't waking up any earlier. did i say this yesterday? mama is mega tired so i'm not functioning at 100% :)