Sunday, February 28, 2010
7w5d old
rishi went to ikea for the first time today. we brought the stroller just in case one of the kids would be better off riding. rishi stayed in his new kangaroo pouch or awhile and then when i needed to assist when sanji had a major meltdown, i put him in the stroller. he hasn't been in there much and i think he loved it today. he was awake the entire time, just looking around, totally content. it is exhausting being at such a busy place with a toddler and an infant, i think it would be tiring even just with a toddler but it was a good place to walk around, eat and play. it's also great because it's big, busy and loud and no one blinked at sanji's five minute screaming marathon. in new rishi news, he gets really excited in the morning when we wake up and i am holding him, talking to him. he raises his eyebrows and his breaths increase and he gets hiccups. he holds my gaze for a long time. i could start into those eyes all day :)
Saturday, February 27, 2010
7w4d old

rishi ran lots of errands today. we went to trader joe's, parklane, nordstrom rack and the mall. exhausting. i am glad i didn't spend my days with one child, thinking that it was so hard. every outing has so many factors to consider now! we are officially pooped. speaking of...amit was in the car holding rishi while i ran into a store and when i came out amit had this look like someone had sprayed him with a toxic chemical. a DROP of poop had gotten on amit and i had the diaper bag, oops. i was only gone ten minutes. i cleaned up and changed rishi in a jiffy while amit was still deeply disturbed over a drop of poop on his arm. i was secretly happy he was pooped on ;)
Friday, February 26, 2010
7w3d old
rishi totally pooped on me today. it was just a little and then i called for amit to bring me some wipes. amit runs out of his office and does a full lap around the house before he is helpful. you'd think rishi had pooped right on his face, it was on me not him LOL! by the time amit helped, it had come out of the diaper pretty good. we proceeded straight to the bath from there. we ran to babies r us to look for some 3-6 outfits since this boy is growing fast.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
7w2d old
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
7w1d old
rishi hung out with his mixed-baby friends today - nate, noah and baby emma. i looked at a pic of he and emma from 4 weeks ago and my he has grown! he is all cheeks! his smiles are so much more frequent, he gets happy and you can hear his little excited breaths. sometimes when he smiles it looks like it is a strain just to life those cheeks. he has really taken to his swing. he takes his morning nap in there, after he eats i put him in there awake and he drifts off. however, when i feed him and try to lay him down on the bed awake, he will not drift off that way! i've tried and the rishter is not having it!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
7 weeks old

our plans were foiled today because while i put my clothes in the washing machine, i failed to run it. all my wearable pants were in there and i couldn't get them washed and dried in time to get rishi out for our morning plans. so we stayed home, made cookies, did puzzles and read stories with sanji. like everyday. rishi gave me a bunch of adorable, awake smiles today. i never can get a picture! i think he is having a growth spurt because he slept all morning, woke up to eat and slept all afternoon and was only awake for more than a few minutes, this evening. his cradle cap is still making me insane. i am so in love with him, i spend a large percentage of my days hugging and kissing him and that gorgeous sister of his. and stealing whatever hugs and kisses i can get out of my biggest little, deepak.
Monday, February 22, 2010
6w6d old
rishi enjoyed the last sunny day we are set to have for at least a week. it was still cold though! he joined in on sanji's playdate with nate and occupied himself tooting, sticking out his tongue and generally being cute. two things that are not cute: the circles on my pants that i just could not figure out, no one appeared to be wet and i had no clue what they were or where they came from. further investigation revealed that they were POOP circles, ew. we both lost our outfits on that one. thing #2 that is not cute, MASSIVE spit up. on me, on rish, on the sofa, on the floor. at least it's just a once in awhile thing and not every night like when he was a new-newborn. but still, it was a strip down straight to the bath tub kinda day for rishi. other than that, rishi went in with me to dee's school to pick him up and enjoyed being told how cute he was and how proud he should be of his big bro. i agree on both counts.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
6w5d old
rishi went to barrows park for the first time today. it is always empty when we drive by, but of course when we visited it was packed! the fresh air and sunshine was so nice that rishi slept thru the whole visit - shocking! i just love all the faces he makes when he is awake. he looks so silly when he furrows his brow as if being critical, i love when he raises his eyebrows, i love when he sticks out his tongue, i love when he yawns, i love when he puckers his little lip out. i love how he looks relieved when he is fussing and then opens his eyes and realizes that i am holding him. rishi is sweetness.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
6w4d old
rishi went to the cooper mountain nature reserve today, for the first time. it's another one of those places that i went to several times while pregnant so perhaps it was familiar to him. i doubt it though because he pretty much slept thru it. we met ms. allegra and her family there and it was a gorgeous sunny day but the wind kept it pretty nippy. we enjoyed some sunshine and fresh air and rishi had been having a very long nap. his eyes don't look puffy anymore so i am glad i didn't rush him to the doctor, maybe he had rubbed them or gotten water in them during his bath. i caved and scratched his cradle cap yesterday and it was like snowing flakes. i will continue to try and resist scratching in the future!
Friday, February 19, 2010
6w3d old
rishi spent the day running errands. going to costco & watching his sister eat up all the samples, picking up books from the library, picking up his big brother from school after a field trip and going to the grocery store. it was a sunny but cold day so we spent the afternoon indoors, snuggled up. he is such a baby gorilla, i love him to bits.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
6w2d old
rishi's eyes look swollen to me. well sometimes they do. when i took him in monday, it was because of his eye. doc didn't see anything. it seems to look like that in the morning and then better later. i don't remember the other kids have puffy morning eyes. it's also crusty at times. i did some research and it's either nothing or something serious, lol, gotta love self diagnosis via the internet, seriously i should never google symptoms. i think i will take him in the morning on the way to the cpa's office. other than that, i am so in love with this boy. he looks like a little man so when he makes a crying face it seems funny like 'come on, man up rishi!'. he makes a cute little coo after he sneezes, sanji did the same thing. he is looking at us more intently and turning his head to follow us when we move in front of him. his newborn acne has cleared up but that wretched cradle cap is just taunting me 'scratch me, scratch me!' it calls to me. but i resist. *sigh* i was thinking of my dad today, as i often do. i can't help but constantly wish that he could have seen them, to have one photo of him with his 3 grandchildren. i am just so grateful for my husband and my amazing, radiant babies. thank you God for more than i ever could have hoped for.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
6w1d old

rishi had a tandem playdate with sanji today. he & miss emma are becoming quite the item! she was so much bigger than him when she was 5w and he was 1w. now he has totally outchunked her!
he went to powell's for the first time while his big bro and sis (and mom!) got some cool books. hoping he'll love books as much as the rest of us!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
6 weeks old
rishi went to pump it up for the first time today. of course he didn't have playtime, he just looked around at all the patterns and colors, he was awake the entire time. ms. allegra was happy to hold him while i played with sanji, who of course did not need or want my help. he went down "for the night" at 7pm (up at 12am, 5am, 8:30am), which would be an ideal regular bedtime, fingers are crossed!
Monday, February 15, 2010
5w6d old
amit freaked me out today saying that rishi's eye looked swollen. i had an appt at the building next to the ped so i went in afterwards to have dr. paul check it out. the eye is fine. his cradle cap is pretty much in full force, i want to scrape it so bad but i have resisted! his skin is more irritated in certain areas, his one eyebrow is very scaly. there is also irritation behind the ear on that same side. i'm pretty sure we will learn he has eczema, like sanji. oregon did this to them, deepak never had skin issues. rishi was weighed fully clothed and was 13lbs, OMG. after that he had a major poop that seemed to never end and resulted in a full on blow out. first one had to be when we were out in public, of course!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
5w5d old
rishi celebrated his first valentine's day today. amit found this adorable gorilla at new seasons that looks just like him when he is making a serious face. i love it! it was another errand running sunday, nothing too exciting :)
Saturday, February 13, 2010
5w4d old
rishi's nightly spit up phase had passed, but it made a surprise appearance today. and in full force. he was lying on the bed, on his playmat and i heard it. as i picked him up he spit up at least 1 tbsp that landed on the playmat, and then a few tsp that landed on me. he needed a bath anyway! tonight i rocked rishi to sleep for the first time! he usually dozes off while nursing but today he was nursing but not eating, and whimpering. so i sat in the rocking chair and after a few moments, he was out. it was really sweet. i just rocked him to sleep again, humming 'silent night'. i don't know why i've always loved that song with all my babies, no matter the time of year. i can't believe how much he has changed in not quite six weeks. when i blow in his face, he makes silly faces, just like sanji did. he is looking at his toys more when they hang above him and of course, he loves locking in on his mama's face.
Friday, February 12, 2010
5w3d old
rishi went to chuck e. cheese for the first time today. he had no idea where he was, he slept in the moby the entire time. we were there for his big brother's valentine's party. after that we went to the mall. i don't know if that was brave or incredibly stupid of me, to take 3 kids. holding sanji's hand, wearing rishi. it was a short trip!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
5w2d old

today ms. dawnelle, the mother of one of dee's classmates, came over to take some pics of rishi. she is a busy mom of 6 who still finds the time to photograph the children of friends. did i mention that she also teaches classes to homeschooled children? i don't know how she does it all! anyway, the lighting in our living room is great - on a nice day. today was gray out so the lighting was not in our favor and my lamps do little to help. we did get some wonderful shots though and will be doing it again next month. lucky us, she really enjoys practicing on babies as this is a budding hobby of hers. and maybe the snickerdoodles that i thanked her with didn't hurt ;)
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
5w1d old
rishi went to his first playdate at someone else's house today. we visited ms. nina & her kiddos in tualatin and were joined by ms. allegra & nate. noah has alot of gabba toys and sanji was in heaven. the toddlers had so much fun, the infants mostly slept :) i think rishi enjoyed sitting in someone else's bouncy seat for a bit. rishi is so big, i really think i should start buying 3-6mo for him.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
5 weeks old
rishi enjoyed lots of sunshine and fresh air today. while sanji and her friend were running around the cul de sac and staring in awe at the neighbor's fountain, i had rishi snuggled up to me as i chatted with another mama. although i can't wait for summer days, i am just enjoying every single moment with my children as they are. i don't want to think about how big rishi will be by the end of the school year! mommy moment of the day - rishi took out both my pants AND my blouse in two separate incidents involving rogue urine and surprise spit up. the once a night spit up that had occurred without fail for a few weeks, has not happened in nearly 2 weeks. can't escape it all of the time!
Monday, February 8, 2010
4w6d old

rishi has such a serious expression most of the time. nearly all of his smiles appear in his sleep with a few surprises during waking hours. i like to make jokes about what might be annoying or perplexing him. in this photo, i imagine it to be the look of a boy who has been smothered with kisses by his sister, for the hundredth time of the day, with no way to stop her.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
4w5d old

rishi, sanji & i went to the park today. it was such a lovely, sunny day. we opened up all the windows upstairs, sunlight and fresh air are so refreshing. we walked to the park and i held rishi while pushing his big sis on the swings. by summertime he'll be able to swing too. i'll be one of those moms hogging both of the swings for my babies! we are not football fans so we skipped the game but were pleased that the saints won, only because my maiden name is st. charles!
Saturday, February 6, 2010
4w4d old
rishi and i hung out at home today while the other kiddos ran errands with daddy. rishi's color is looking different every few days. his face has alot more color than the rest of his body. his hands and feet are especially pale. we think he's going to be really fair, like deepak. he's losing some hair in the front, i'm hoping he doesn't end up with a cul-de-sac!
Friday, February 5, 2010
one month old!
wow, one month and one day ago, i was still carrying rishi inside of me. in these past 4 1/2 weeks, he has grown so much. he has started to coo in the cutest and funniest voice. today, after dropping off deepak at chess club, rishi went to the library for the first time & to his first story time. we spent the rest of our day at home, waiting for daddy to get back from his trip.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
4w2d old

today rishi and i went to watch deepak in his school spelling bee. it was students grade 1-5, with 20 students participating. deepak came in 4th place! rishi was so proud of his big brother and thinks he might be in a spelling bee someday too. he has been cooing this past week but everytime he does it, it almost sounds like he is making a complaint about something. his awake stretches are really long now, several hours. i love his little, man looking face.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
4w1d old
rishi was almost tricked by the sun today. were we not expecting company, we would have went out for a walk right away and likely have gotten rained on shortly thereafter. instead, we stayed indoors and played with friends, something that we love to do. rishi hit me with a rogue poop squirt this morning. it was bound to happen eventually! he is getting so big. we swapped babies at playdate today and agreed that emma, who is exactly 1 month older than rishi, is about the same weight or maybe even lighter, than rish. tonight, we had a nice, quiet time together snuggling and rocking in our chair for a good few hours after the bigger kids were asleep. nothing beats snuggling with my littles.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
4 weeks old

oh my! rishi is four weeks old today, how did that happen? all i can say is that is has been amazing being a mama of 3 for these past weeks. by some beautiful stroke of good fortune, all has meshed in a wonderful way. even though often times, rishi is awake or nursing at times that i need to get sanji down for nap or bedtime, both babies somehow just make it work. it's been fairly seamless. today was another sunny day, after a rainy monday. so of course we went to walk around summerlake. rishi rode in the stroller half of the way and then sanji got in the stroller while i wore rishi in the moby for the rest of the walk. i love taking him out in the fresh air and sunshine. today, i discovered that he has a little ducktail at the back of his head, just like deepak!
Monday, February 1, 2010
3w6d old
the rish was a little host again today. he loves playdates! today he met ms. patti & her little girl, emersyn. emersyn is about 4 1/2 months younger than sanjana. em didn't mind her mama snuggling with rishi and even gave him some cuddles herself. ms. allegra and nate also joined the fun. i love when our home is full of kids! he seems bigger every morning when we get out of bed. i'm so glad that we cosleep and baby wear. there have been very few moments in his life thus far, where he has not been in physical contact with me. even as our third born, he gets as much 'in the arms' time as his siblings did. helps that daddy works from home and loves to work while rishi is on his chest :)
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