Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Monday, June 28, 2010

Saturday, June 26, 2010

24w4d old

rishi and family went out for our first restaurant meal together as a family. we went to black bear diner. rishi has been out to eat with sanji and i but never with dee and daddy too. he even sat in the highchair! he was so good and played with his toys and then sat in my lap for the last bit we were there. he was laughing so loud when i was playing with him, my children's laughter is one of my favorite sounds.

Friday, June 25, 2010

24w3d old

rishi went to magnolia park for the first time today. it was a really beautiful morning and he hung out with the mamas and grandma sharon while his siblings played and got wet and had a great time. he got to meet derek again and it was a really lovely morning with our friends. in the evening he got to go to the park again! we love walking to summerlake in the evenings, he even swung a little. i just love the size he is right now, it's like cuddling a little baby koala. he's rolling all over the place, everytime i try to get it on video, he won't cooperate!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

24 weeks old

rishi spent the evening at the park, after a long, hot day at home. we walked over and rishi hung out in the ergo while i pushed sanji in the swing and deepak practiced riding his bike on the grass. it was nice to get some fresh air and play and come home and just bathe everyone, put them to bed and enjoy the quiet after a happy day.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

23w5d old

rishi's first father's day was rainy, shocking. he is in full on rolling mode. it's like he was doing it a little here and there and then two days ago he did it over and over and it has become full on from there. so much that i put him to sleep on his back and find him on his tummy. he is on the floor with sanji now and has rolled himself halfway across the room. our lives are changing!

today we went to new seasons for some organic sweet potatoes for baby boy to sample. i just made it for his dinner tonight and we shall see how he likes it!

Friday, June 18, 2010

23w3d old

rishi and emma had a playdate this morning, as did their big siblings, and deepak. we walked to summerlake, the fresh air was so nice. rishi somehow stayed awake the whole time. part of that time he spent playing with his elephant in his stroller but then he wanted a better view of emma so he sat in her double stroller so that they could face each other. it was really nice to be outdoors. now we are home and it is gloomy. he is having a long nap and will spend the rest of his day running errands, which is still exciting at his age, the sights and sounds are alot for a little guy!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

23w2d old

rishi met sofie today, sofie the giraffe. she is a rubber teething toy that was very popular with sanji. only ace, our dog, ate her and then when we shelled out $20 for another sofie, we somehow lost her. luckily i used a franklin goose credit and got sofie for free this time. she arrived today and after she was cleaned, i gave her to rishi and he went right to town gnawing on her face. she rode in the car with us on our way to deliver dinner to auntie allegra and rishi fell asleep holding her in his chubby little hands. rishi also got to stay up very late tonight, until 9:15! he's been my basketball buddy during the playoffs and we watched the lakers beat the celtics, to win the championships tonight. now, both my boys have been born in championship years, just in different decades.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

23w1d old

rishi is a very understanding baby. he would much rather that i foolishly dance around and sing to him and clap his feet and kiss him over and over, than be diligent about maintaining his little blog here. the time just flies, we are so busy even when we aren't doing much, if that makes sense. today rishi and i had the uncommon occurrence of getting out just with mama. we went to meet baby derek today at good sam. the sibs went to get a snack with daddy while we visited with auntie allegra, grandma sharon and little derek. rishi looks SO big next to him. derek is so amazing, beautiful, sweet and perfect and we love him already. he's sure to be rishi's best friend and we couldn't be happier for the shan family.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

23 weeks old

rishi has been waiting on pins and needles all day. auntie allegra was induced this weekend and we are all waiting to hear news of derek's birth. rishi has been exceptionally chill today. he totally sat in his seat and played with his rings and smiled and watched me do yoga for a full 35 minutes. it's a record. he did indicate that he would prefer the thunder and rain to go away so that he can go for a walk to the park and see the ducks :)

Saturday, June 12, 2010

22w4d old

rishi went to the library today with sanji and i. we got there just before it opened and there was already a crowd waiting to get in. we had books to pick up from the hold area and then we spent some time in the kids area. the tigard library has a really great kid's section, much better than the beaverton library that we used to live closer to. rishi is really digging his little elephant pull toy lately. since he's been itty bitty, he's loved when it makes noise when you pull the little ring on it. he is really a happy little baby. he's rolling a little bit every day. mostly from back onto tummy but sometimes from tummy to back. sanji used to roll herself all the way across the room, i wonder if rishi will be like his big sis. oh! and he's eating applesauce. he's had it three times and actually likes it. i was wanting to wait until 6 months, even though his pediatrician told me it was a good idea to start at 4. (that AAP always flip flopping) we tried avocado but he didn't love it. we'll do sweet potatoes next. i need to make big batches and freeze them. i always did sanji's in portions just enough for 3 days so i never had enough to freeze but i don't have as much time these days.

Friday, June 11, 2010

22w3d old

lucky for me, rishi isn't holding a grudge over the fact that i have not posted every single day. the days seem to get away from me so fast. and when my time is more limited than usual, i pick playtime over blog time, everytime. rishi, sanji, deepak, and i, met allegra and family at the mall today. baby derek is due today and she wanted to get to walking. she is the fastest 9 month pregnant woman i've ever seen, lol. today was the first time that rishi was really sensitive to his distance from me. he is very familiar with allegra but today when she got him, and sat maybe 4 feet away from me, he looked panicked. then he looked at her and calmed down, then he looked at me and started the sad face. he is the sweetest, happiest, cutest, chubbiest little gorilla baby ever. we also dropped off big bro at a party and hit up some yard sales. the sun in the forecast did not make an appearance today.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

22w1d old

rishi had friends over today. the toddlers were crazy. he and emma remain skeptical. it was another weird weather day in oregon. sunny, then windy, then gloomy, we are so ready for some lovely summer weather! until that happens, this weather is putting a damper on our fun. we are so ready to be outdoors! rishi has been waking up so many times in the first few hours after bedtime. it's tiring running up and down those stairs. i think it's a gas/teething combo. poor little thing is tooting away all night and drooling all day!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

22 weeks old

rishi had a lovely nap outdoors today. we had to take advantage of the one sunny day among the many gloomy ones. we walked to the park with auntie allegra and grandma sharon. the park was so busy! we walked around summerlake and rishi woke up along the way and just seemed pleased to be outdoors getting fresh air. he has been so playful, he loves being danced around and it's so easy to get a smile out of my sweet boy.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

21w4d old

rishi went to the zoo today, it was sunny and perfect. we got there right before 10am and there was still plenty of parking and the weather was just right. we went thru the dino exhibit, saw the tiger, elephants and some primates. then we sat on a bench for awhile and soaked up sun with sanji and deepak played a little. it was a lovely, perfect morning. by the time we got home it was about 12:30 and the babies had nice, long naps, which is always a nice thing!

Friday, June 4, 2010

21w3d old

rishi is growing tired of the rain, i can tell, or maybe i am projecting :) we spent another day indoors and let daddy and sanji run the errands. lately we've been hanging out on the comfy living room couches, he'll sit propped up on a pillow, or across my legs, while i alternate from reading to making funny faces at him. we can see those white peaks right underneath his gums. shouldn't be too long now. i'm kinda worried how him having teeth will play out. he's been gum biting me and oh man it HURTS!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

21w2d old

rishi, sanji and i spent the morning at the mall. afterwards we picked up deepak from his last day of second grade! it was outdoors and the weather was changing from warm to cold, we did not enjoy that. people always joke how scrawny and underfed rishi looks, especially at school :) there are so many 'mitch' babies, it's fun to see them all growing up and seeing rishi and sanji's future classmates.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

21w1d old

rishi needed a change of scenery so that babies and i headed to the mall to meet ms. allegra. rishi watched sanji gulp down a jamba and chow down on a bagel. we walked around, sat and chatted and even got to browse. that doesn't always happen, there is often at least one baby that wants OUT or to NURSE or who has POOP. we gave allegra a really nice photo we took of her big baby bump and had framed for the baby's nursery and she brought us a gift too! a book, 'the help' which this mama plans to make the time to read. things that were a part of my daily existence are now such rare treats, like spending more than 15 minutes at a time readying!