Tuesday, March 2, 2010

8 weeks old

rish-a-roni is 8 weeks old today! i still think it is incredible, how despite being with us just 8 weeks, it feels so natural as though he was never not there. it has felt that way with each child, and i imagine all families feel that way with each new addition. rishi went to pump it up today, another outing he slept thru. i can't even imagine what life will be like once he's mobile! his smiles and reactions to us are increasing, i love how excited he is to see me when he wakes up. he is so my heart, all my babies are my heart. he's not digging tummy time, none of my babies did and all crawled within the average expectation of 7-8 months and the first two walked fairly early (9-10 months) so i'm not too worried. i think it's hilarious that 'they' suggest 15 min of tummy time twice a day, from birth. good luck because rishi is so not having it! he's letting me swaddle him suddenly. i love when just his little head is poking out and he's wrapped like a little lumpia.

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