Sunday, August 29, 2010

33w5d old

rishi had a fever today. in the wee hours of the morning, i could suddenly feel his really warm against me. i took off our covers and asked amit to grab the thermometer. my ear prodding woke him and he was in a fine mood but feeling pretty hot. i gave him some acetaminophen and he fell back asleep. he ate fine today and played happily on the floor as always, but in much shorter time periods. we went out to target for some ibuprofen and he was happy to be out and about in the ergo. he hasn't had any meds for 6 hours and no fever in sight so i am hoping it was just due to teething and that he wakes up happy, and COOL.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

33w2d old

rishi spent a long morning at the zoo with the sibs and sanji's friend aria. he was awake the whole time which is a record for him. he really enjoys when we set our picnic blanket out and he gets some freedom. he munched on a bagel and tore it to shreds!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

33w1d old

rishi and sanji spent a short, hot, morning at the park with their friend emersyn. rishi sat in his favorite shady spot with ms. patti and watched all of the big kids play.he is getting so big, he is in full on army crawl these days and can get anywhere he wants!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

33 weeks old

rishi visited sanji's new preschool tonight for the class picnic. it was a VERY hot afternoon so he ended up showing off his chunky rolls for all to see. we just had to take that shirt off!

Friday, August 20, 2010

32w3d old

rishi hung out in the pearl district this morning, because he's cool like that ;) we met friends for some awesome fun, painting at CHAP. for just $5/hr, per child, they get to paint EVERYTHING. the floor, tables, furniture, boxes, themselves. rishi preferred the comfort of mommy and the ergo while the sibs and friends had a blast.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

32w2d old

rishi spent a chilly morning at summerlake park with his sister, for a playdate. he really likes sitting out on a blanket and playing with his toys. he spent a little time swinging too. big sister loves to push her rishi on the swings. in the afternoon, rishi stayed home with daddy while i took the big sibs to another playdate. rishi is the happiest little guy, it's so easy to get a giant smile out of that kid.

also, rishi is cutting his first tooth!!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

32w1d old

this morning, rishi watched sanji play with her friend emersyn. he was pretty content and amused to play on the floor with his toys. he's full on mobile, utilizing a highly skilled army crawl ;) he can get himself up into a sitting position. he still has no teeth!

he had his first cupcake experience today.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

32 weeks old

another lovely morning at summerlake park!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

31w5d old

rishi and sanji played out front in our little kiddie pool. we let the water warm up and only put a few inches in. we also blocked the sun with this great shade umbrella that we got at costco. rishi was able to sit up and even do his army crawl in there. he had so much fun splashing around and having water dumped on him by his big sis. it was a fun way to keep the kids cool and outdoors on a super hot day.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

31w1d old

loving his homemade, curry flavored sweet potatoes

Monday, August 9, 2010

30w6d old

rishi had fun at the children's museum today. he is beginning to enjoy such things. he was very curious about the noise and movement in the water area and he had alot of fun in the baby garden. we played with sheer scarves over his head, he put his hands in the 'stream', we looked at shadows. it was really fun to see him enjoy his environment. it was pretty busy so we went outside to sit in the grass with our friends and he was happy to sit and chew on sofie the giraffe and to scoot around. he can get up on hands and knees and rock back and forth. he gets around with a combo of rolling, army crawling and scooting. he mostly makes the 'mamamama' sound but is not making lots of 'babababa'. he likes being tossed in the air, he is very ticklish in his pits and thighs and he loves our dog ace.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

30w1d old

tonight we walked to summerlake. rishi spent a long time in the swing. he laughed when i would tickle his toes as he swung forward. rishi is such a happy boy, it's so easy to get a big smile out of him. he is eating solids but not regularly. he's doing amazing with just breastmilk and isn't overly interested in food. what he has eaten, has been homemade by me.

he sits up and plays with toys, he wants everything and will grab it if he can. he can really get around by rolling and turning and pushing himself. he still has no teeth! he is drooling and making all the sad teething faces, but no progress.

rishi has been tugging sanji's hair everytime he can reach her. she is such a little mommy telling him 'no pull the hair rishi, be nice.' it will be interesting when he can really go after her. i think they will be buddies.

he is getting so big, i was just thinking of how tiny he was coming home in his convertible carseat and how big he is sitting in there now. i feel so much awe towards him, i just love him so much and am so thankful to be his mama.

Monday, August 2, 2010